







Bayesian Statistics: From Concept to Data Analysis

See certificate

Fundamentals of Quantitative Modeling

See certificate

Data-driven Decision Making

See certificate

Foundations of Business Strategy

See certificate

Framework for Data Collection and Analysis

See certificate


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

AJG (2024): One [ABS 4 ★★★★ ], Two [ABS 3 ★★★ ], Six [ABS 2 ★★], One [ABS1 ★].
ABDC (2022): One [A*], Four [A], Six [B], One [C].

  • Magerakis, E., & Habib, A. (2024). Organizational strategy, abnormal cash holdings, and future operating returns. Journal of Accounting Literature, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print). (IF: 1.1, ABS: 3, ABDC: A).

  • Floros, C., Galariotis, E., Gkillas, K., Magerakis, E., & Zopounidis, C. (2024). Time-varying firm cash holding and economic policy uncertainty nexus: a quantile regression approach. Annals of Operations Research, 1-37. (IF: 4.4, ABS: 3, ABDC: A).

  • Magerakis, E. , Pantzalis, C., & Park, J. C. (2023). The effect of proximity to political power on corporate cash policy. Journal of Corporate Finance, 82, 102448. (IF: 6.1, ABS: 4, ABDC: A)*.

  • Magerakis, E. & Tzelepis, D. (2023). Corruption, cash holdings and firm performance: empirical evidence from an emerging market. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 24(3), 483-507. (IF: 3.0, ABS: 2, ABDC B).

  • Magerakis, E. (2022). The importance of managerial discretion on managerial ability–firm cash holding nexus. Management Decision, 60(12), 3275-3303. (IF: 4.6, ABS: 2, ABDC: B).

  • Magerakis, E. (2022). Chief executive officer ability and cash holding decision. Review of Accounting and Finance, 21(5), 449-485. *(IF: 2.4, 2ABS- ABDC B).

  • Magerakis, E., & Habib, A. (2022). Environmental uncertainty and corporate cash holdings: The moderating role of CEO ability. International Review of Finance, 22(3), 402-432. (IF: 1.7, ABDC: A).

  • Magerakis, E., Gkillas, K., Floros, C., & Peppas, G. (2021). Corporate R&D intensity and high cash holdings: post-crisis analysis. Operational Research, 22, 3767–3808. (IF: 2.7, ABS: 1, ABDC: C).

  • Magerakis, E., & Habib, A. (2021). Business strategy and environmental inefficiency. Journal of Cleaner Production, 302, 127014. (IF: 11.1, ABS: 2, ABDC A)

  • Magerakis, E. & Tzelepis, D. (2020). The impact of business strategy on corporate cash policy. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 21(4), 677-699. (IF: 3.0, ABS: 2, ABDC: B).

  • Magerakis, E., Gkillas, K., Tsagkanos, A., & Siriopoulos, C. (2020). Firm size does matter: New evidence on the determinants of cash holdings. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 13(8), 163. MDPI AG. (IF: 2.8, ABDC B).

  • Magerakis, E. (2020). Corporate cash holdings and financial crisis: Evidence from the emerging market of Greece. International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, 12(2), 186-215. (IF: 1.4, ABS: 2, ABDC: B).

  • Magerakis, E., Siriopoulos, C., & Tsagkanos A. (2015). Cash holdings and firm characteristics: Evidence from UK market. Journal of Risk and Control, 2(1), 19-43.

Working Papers

  • Magerakis, E. (2024). Corporate tax avoidance under economic policy uncertainty. Does the quality of institutional governance matter?. (Under Review)

  • Magerakis, E. & Theodoraki, C. (2024). Environmental uncertainty and corporate performance: Can R&D investments provide a silver lining to this cloud? (Under Review)

  • Magerakis, E. (2024). Industry differences and their influence on why companies retain cash: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. (Under Review)

Other Publications

  • Magerakis, E. (2022). Essays in financial accounting and corporate finance (Doctoral dissertation, University of Patras, Greece. School of Economics and Business. Department of Economics).

  • Magerakis, E. (2017). The role of business strategy in corporate liquidity: Evidence from US firms (MSc Thesis, University of Patras, Greece. School of Economics and Business. Department of Economics).

  • Magerakis, E. (2015). Cash holdings and firm characteristics: Evidence from UK market (MBA Thesis, University of Patras, Greece. School of Economics and Business. Department of Business Administration.

Talks & Presentations

  • Magerakis, E. (2024). Corporate tax avoidance under economic policy uncertainty: Does the quality of institutional governance matter? International Conference on Business & Economics 2024, Hellenic Open University, Athens, Greece, September 27-28.

  • Seremetis, K., Dimitras, A. A., Peppas, G., & Magerakis, E. (2024). Cash flows, accruals and corporate returns. International Conference on Business & Economics 2024, Hellenic Open University, Athens, Greece, September 27-28. *

  • Gkillas, K., Floros, C., Magerakis, E. (2022). Time-varying firm cash holding and economic policy uncertainty nexus: a quantile regression approach. 12th National Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS), Athens, Greece, December 19-20.*

  • Gkillas, K., Floros, C., Magerakis, E. (2022). Time-varying firm cash holding and economic policy uncertainty nexus: a quantile regression approach. The 94th meeting of the EURO working group on Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding (EWG-MCDA 94), Agios Nikolaos, Greece, September 15-17.*

  • Magerakis, E. & Tzelepis, D. (2021). Corruption, cash holdings and firm performance: Evidence from an emerging market. European Accounting Association 2020 Conference, Bucharest, Romania (postponed), Brussels, Belgium, Virtual Congress, 26 - 28 May 2021.

  • Magerakis, E. and Tzelepis, D. (2019). Corruption, cash holdings and firm performance: Evidence from an emerging market. 18th HFAA Conference, Athens, Greece, December 13-14.

  • Magerakis, E. and Tzelepis, D. (2018). Making the link: Cash holdings, managerial ability and discretion. 17th HFAA Conference, Athens, Greece, December 14-15.

  • Magerakis, E. and Tzelepis, D. (2018). The role of business strategy in corporate liquidity: Evidence from US firms. 7th IMAEF Meeting, Corfu, Greece, June 20-22.

  • Magerakis, E. and Tzelepis, D. (2017). The determinants of corporate cash holdings: Evidence from Greece. 16th HFAA Conference, Athens, Greece, December 15-16.

  • Magerakis, E. and Loukopoulos, P. (2016). Cash reserves and R&D investment effect: A UK intra-industry overview. 15th HFAA Conference, Athens, Greece, December 16-17.

  • Magerakis, E. (2015). Leadership ethics, CSR & change management. 12th Student Conference on Management Science and Technology, pp. 178–187, Athens, Greece, May 14.

  • Magerakis, E., Tsagkanos, A., and Siriopoulos, C. (2015). Corporate liquidity, firm size and the impact of financial crisis in UK market. 14th HFAA Conference, Athens, Greece, December 18-19.

  • Magerakis, Ε., Beretoulis, P., Karabagias, S., and Gavrilakis, N. (2009). The Greek reality of the Photovoltaic market: Future trends and incentives in energy development. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 09) & SECOTOX Conference, pp. 667-673, Mykonos, Greece, 21-26 June, 2009.*

Note: “*” indicates presentation by coauthor.


Welcome to the audio versions of my papers and featured podcasts. Here you can listen to narrated versions of my publications generated using NotebookLM.

Episode 1

Briefing Doc: The Effect of Proximity to Political Power on Corporate Cash Policy

Source: Magerakis, E., Pantzalis, C., & Park, J. C. (2023). The effect of proximity to political power on corporate cash policy. Journal of Corporate Finance, 82, 102448.

Main Theme: This study examines how a firm’s proximity to political power, specifically its location within the US political landscape, influences its cash holding decisions. The authors argue that firms headquartered in states with a higher degree of political alignment with the President’s party face elevated policy risk, leading them to adopt more conservative cash policies as a hedging mechanism.

You can listen to the audio version of this paper here.

